Content marketing is relevant and useful storytelling that captures the interest of your specific audience.

Content marketing works. And it’s being used by everyone from small business owners to the largest ecommerce retailers. In a world of spam emails and disruptive ads, content marketing can provide consumers with valuable content—content that makes them stop, think, and take action.

Think of it this way; 80% of searches on Google are from real people seeking answers to real questions. Understanding how to connect those questions to your business and then create content that provides the answers is crucial to any successful content marketing strategy. increase their brand recognition and impact their overall web presence The end result? More visibility in search and more inbound traffic feeding into your sales funnel.

Why content marketing matters for ecommerce

Types of Content We Produce


We will drive more traffic to your website and provide value to your current customers by writing highly researched, SEO rich blog posts for your business in your tone of voice.

Social media

Short, snappy content for social media can be difficult. We tailor our content to fit each social media platform whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok or LinkedIn.


Whether you need your entire website rewritten, or just some blog posts, our expert copywriting services will give your organic SEO a boost and drive customers to your website and ultimately sales.

Speak to HSQ Marketing about content services

We help companies tell their story and get exposure, whether it’s writing longtail content for a whitepaper or brochure, or regular blog content. We write valuable SEO driven content that speaks to your audience adds value and isn’t just filler.


Plans For Everyone



Multi Plan

Monthly / Early

  • Keyword Research
  • PPC Advertising
  • Social Media Posting
  • SEO Optimization
  • Marketing Analytics
get started Taxes may Include After Make Price.



Pro Plan

Monthly / Early

  • PPC Ad Management (Google Ads or IG/Facebook Ads)
  • SEO Enhancement (on-page)
  • Content Marketing (2 Blogs/mo.)
  • Social Media Management (IG, Facebook)
  • Monthly Reporting
get started Taxes May Include After Make Price.



Ultra Plan

Monthly / Early

  • Customized digital marketing plan created for your business
  • Social Media Publishing and Promotion (FB, IG)
  • SEO, On-page, Off-page
  • Content Marketing (1x Blog per week)
  • Email Marketing 2 x mo.
  • PPC - Google Ads Management
  • Monthly Reporting
get started Taxes May Include After Make Price.



Multi Plan

Monthly / Early

  • Keyword Research
  • PPC Advertising
  • Social Media Posting
  • SEO Optimization
  • Marketing Analytics
get started Taxes may Include After Make Price.



Pro Plan

Monthly / Early

  • PPC Ad Management (Google Ads or IG/Facebook Ads)
  • SEO Enhancement (on-page)
  • Content Marketing (2 Blogs/mo.)
  • Social Media Management (IG, Facebook)
  • Monthly Reporting
get started Taxes May Include After Make Price.



Ultra Plan

Monthly / Early

  • Customized digital marketing plan created for your business
  • Social Media Publishing and Promotion (FB, IG)
  • SEO, On-page, Off-page
  • Content Marketing (1x Blog per week)
  • Email Marketing 2 x mo.
  • PPC - Google Ads Management
  • Monthly Reporting
get started Taxes May Include After Make Price.



Multi Plan

Monthly / Early

  • Keyword Research
  • PPC Advertising
  • Social Media Posting
  • SEO Optimization
  • Marketing Analytics
get started Taxes may Include After Make Price.



Pro Plan

Monthly / Early

  • PPC Ad Management (Google Ads or IG/Facebook Ads)
  • SEO Enhancement (on-page)
  • Content Marketing (2 Blogs/mo.)
  • Social Media Management (IG, Facebook)
  • Monthly Reporting
get started Taxes May Include After Make Price.



Ultra Plan

Monthly / Early

  • Customized digital marketing plan created for your business
  • Social Media Publishing and Promotion (FB, IG)
  • SEO, On-page, Off-page
  • Content Marketing (1x Blog per week)
  • Email Marketing 2 x mo.
  • PPC - Google Ads Management
  • Monthly Reporting
get started Taxes May Include After Make Price.

At HSQ Marketing, we deliver dedicated creative digital marketing services to enhance your brand presence and take it to the next level.


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